After being in business for over 40 years (since 1977), being community supportive is very important to us! Here are some examples:
Whenever a high school in the 15 mile radius call us for their temporary fencing needs we enjoy working with the students to help teach them something they may not learn in a classroom. We deal with the student as though they were any other customer. They must make an appointment to tell us what it is they need, (i.e. what their project is). It is their responsibility to complete the necessary paperwork to get the project started. And they are expected to do it in a timely manner that works for both the customer and the company. Then we donate the temporary fence for – the prom, the homecoming dance, or graduation etc. Upon completion of the project the students send us a very nice thank you card showing their appreciation.
We also do the very same thing with our local Eagle Scouts. Each flag pole, honoree bench, or fence project they must do to achieve their goal we assist in the process so that they walk away with an experience that will later help them in adulthood. In return these young adults send us a thank you card and a plaque of their project/badge. We then hang this in our office.
There are many different plaques, pictures, and awards (etc.) hanging in our office to show our appreciation to our local community.